Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today, I sit optimisitc. It is CD 16 and I have a Peak on my fertility monitor and a smiley face on my OPK. So, far there has been good timing and we will see how thing go. But I keep thinking, this is really the first time that we have had a good shot since I came off Lupron. Will it easily happen or will it be a much longer road? I feel optimistic in one sense while in the other I wait for the other shoe to drop. Only time will tell.

J sets his SA done on the 13th and on the 11th, I go in for Progesterone check. Here is hoping for a high number on both! If we are successful this cycle, it will be a Turkey Day baby. All, I really hope for is a healthy baby.

On to bed now so that maybe I can get a little luckier with that timing thing ;)


jeanie said...

Best fertility vibes being sent your way!!

mommamia said...

Whatever happens stay positive and try not to worry. Easier said than done I know. Lots of positive vibes coming your way.