Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It looks like we will need a little help from our friends... Mr. Green and Dr. Knockmeup. I have a couple of options - one insurance covers and one it doesn't.

Option 1: IUI - 50% copay. May or May not cover the drugs needed through my medical coverage.
  • If insurance pays for Meds - I then think that this is a no brainer. We would try 2-3 before moving on to IVF.
  • If insurance doesn't pay for Meds - then I think we may try 1 cycle and then move to IVF

Option 2: IVF - Insurance doesn't pay anything for meds or procedures.

  • We would likely be able to do 1 IVF and one FET cycle.

I am not sure which is the best option that will get us to holding a baby that is ours. I feel it is a crap shoot either way. Only time will tell and Mr. Green and Dr. Knockmeup - will do their best to accomplish the mission.

1 comment:

Flobri said...

Well speaking from friend's experiences... IUI drugs unless you need injectibles is not expensive. Around $30-40 a cycle. So if you are worried about medications costs it's really not that much. As for injectibles that is when it gets expensive, somewhere between $500-700 a time. Still though this is cheaper than IVF which I am told is really really expensive, though none of my friends went through that. So there's my 2 cents