Monday, July 2, 2012

Long time, no post!

Since the last time I posted, those twinges became a spunky reality that are now 2!  They are wonderful toddlers that love to help around the house and have perfect manners - well, as long as you give them everything they want, don't make them share and just give in to their every whim!

In the last 2 years, I have done a lot of growing and so have they and it is time to get rid of the weight.  Starting tomorrow, I will be following the Zone and the Advocare 24 day challenge.  We have family pictures in August and I want to knock them out of the water and be proud of them.

I am currently working out an hour or so 5-6 days a week and will start in earnest with the clean diet.  There is some accountability as I am doing this as part of a challenge.  I even took before pictures - although I won't be sharing them until I get closer to goal at 160.

First goal is to be under 200 by end of July and then a 8-10 pound weight loss each month until I get to 160 and my purple dress.

One day at a time is how the weight came on and how it will come off.  See you soon for another update!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

7w Today

Today, I am 7w, exactly! Allday sickness is in the air along with loss of appetitie, headaches and extreme tiredness! Don't worry, I am forcing myself to eat something but yesterday even the refried beans didnt sound good! For those that know me well, you know that I love refried beans!!

The little ones will next be seen on Tuesday, 3pm for thier second camera appearance. We are hoping for nice little strong heartbeats! Mommy has been having dreams lately about babies!

In other news, I had to buy a BellaBand for my pants. This is a band that helps to hold up your pants when they fit everywhere but the waist. It is the best $$$ I have spent.

I will update more after our session on Tuesday!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Good Morning! It is just a lovely day!! My beta this morning was a wonderful 8011 but my progrestrone is a stinky 28 - boo to the progrestrone! This morning also brought an early look see at what is to come in about 34ish weeks - Babies!!!

2 perfect little bubbles! I thought that I saw three, J and Dr. Knockmeup assured me it was 2 but the good Dr. gave it another look see and we are confirmed to have two little bubbles growing! We are so over the moon ecstatic! I will post a picture when I get home.

The nurse is supposed to call me back with an update as to what we need to do with my progesterone shots. I am thinking he will go up as they want to see a much higher number than what it is doing now and I know that I will do whatever it takes to make sure that we do not loose the precious cargo!

Friday, October 16, 2009


Good Morning!

Well, my last beta on 10/12 did a wonderful thing, it doubled!! It was 684 Woohoo! I go in for an ultrasound on Monday, 10/19 along with another blood draw. It is supposed to be in the 6000
this time.

J and I are so excited! We hope and pray that the little one(s) are doing okay in there. I talk to them every day and let them know how much we want to meet them. For today, they are the size of a grain of rice. Funny, how I only occasionally eat rice! Now it will take on a whole new meaning!!

Let's see what else is new with me.... my butt and hips hurt! Bruises galore are the new fashion statement apparently. J says that I am getting really sensitive to the whole PIO thing. Thank goodness there are only 7 more weeks until it ends. YEAH, not even half way there yet. UGH!
The nausea is in full force, the boobs hurt (but that still could be PIO), I have lovely crampy and pulling sensations, I am constipated, I have acne and my hair looks like it hasn't been washed in years and I have heartburn. Oh, and I pee, a lot. I mean like every 10 minutes. No joking. I should take stock in the Charmin Company.

On Monday, I go to see how many little ones are sticking around - Will it be one, two, or three? And, alas, another beta test with progesterone. We are hoping for the 6000ish number and a good progesterone number as well. Stay tuned for an update on Monday.

In the meantime, I will leave you with this...

Friday, October 9, 2009

2nd Beta

Well, a bit disappointed as it did not rise. It was 255. I go in on Monday for another test to see what it does then. Lets hope for a successful rise!!

Please baby(ies) stick! Stick little ones stick!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Beta Results are in!


I am so excited! Now they just need to double by Friday. As a confession, I have been POAS since Sunday. Yes, I know. But since Sunday, I have been getting positive lines! I was scared and worried and concerned and scared that it was all going to go away with one poof!

Thanks for all the support! It means the world to me!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Symptom watch continues....

  • Nausea when brushing teeth - Check - Never had this one before
  • Headache - check - Could be AF, could not be
  • Not constipated - Check - Could be AF, could not be
  • Tired - Check - Could be PIO

Hmmm. Well, we find out for sure on Thursday, and then we hope for a rising number on Monday. Thursday is Beta day and then it has to double within 48 hours for it to continue to be viable.

Only 2 more wake ups until blood draw day.